Presenting at MaMA International Music Event: Tools for Artists

Heading to Paris to speak at MaMA Music!

I will be presenting:


offered by af83média, web agency

Our HOW TO tutorials are a simple and accurate explanation of the latest web applications.

We help teach both novice and expert to gain a better understanding of the tools available

HOW TO use web-based tools synergistically for Social Media Marketing, Content Curation and Community Management.

Friday October 15th, from 2.30pm to 3.15pm, Elysée Montmartre, English-speaking workshop

HOW TO manage and measure your presence on the web:

Audience measurement, e-reputation, buzz and interaction with communities.

Saturday October 16th, from 12.30am to 1.15pm, Elysée Montmartre, English speaking workshop

Workshop realised by Rynda Laurel, COO af83inc, International Strategy af83 & af83média
