Rynda’s panel at SXSW: Mental Health Matters: Practical Guide for the Touring Musician
Travel and touring can be hard on your mental and physical health. What you eat and how you live under those circumstances can have a profound affect on your mental health. How do you maintain good habits while on the road? How do you find good food options? How do you craft good choices into riders and late night after show meals? How do you fit in exercise between gigs? What other tools can you use to help maximize mental health? How do you stay healthy so you can truly be a creative artist and give your best performances? We got you. Join our panel of experts in Nutrition, Fitness, Wellness and #Tourlife for a detailed discussion, take away guide and practical Q&A session.
RYNDA LAUREL – Music Business Veteran, Wellness Entrepreneur – VRYeveryday
JASON WROBEL – Wellness Coach & Chef
SHEA BOLAND – Coaching & Fitness
EMILY KAY – Music Business Veteran, Hardcharger Management
MAR 16, 2019 | 12:30PM – 1:30PM